NITROX - Enriched Air

Diving with enriched air benefits
There are many benefits to the diver of diving on EAN (Enriched Air Nitrox). It reduces the risk of decompression sickness, nitrogen narcosis, extends the time limit of a decompression-free dive. In addition, it results in reduced diver fatigue during the dive. Has a great impact on dive limits and the human body during dive series and multi-day packages. 
Most dive bases in the world offer NITROX to their customers. The most commonly used mix is EAN 32. The course teaches how to use NITROX safely during a dive, make the necessary calculations, make changes to the dive computer. And how to prepare and label a Nitrox cylinder. You will be shown how to prepare an EAN. The course entitles you to use mixtures of up to 40% oxygen.

Advanced NITROX

This is an advanced course teaching the use of NITROX enriched air mix above 40% oxygen content. Such NITROX is mainly used to increase decompression-free time and/or reduce decompression time during dives that require it. This training course can be your first step into decompression diving. 
During the course you will learn the principles of decompression dives to a depth of 40m. Preparing your equipment and using a multi-gas dive computer. You will also learn how to prepare an EAN mix. You can extend your training with the GAS BLENDER course, which gives you the authority to prepare breathing gas mixtures for yourself and other divers. 

TRIMIX and deep dive - Guiding Trips

At Ola Dive Centre we have prepared a special offer for the service of technical divers. We organise diving trips for groups and individual divers. We cooperate with other Diving Centres and instructors.
We provide sales and mixing of breathing gases based on Air, Oxygen and Helium mixtures. We rent equipment for technical dives based on Twinset and Sidemount. Stage deco and oxygen cylinders, DPV.
For legal reasons, we delegate a professional guide to each group or individual diver who provides support on the surface and underwater. He helps with the planning and preparation of the dive. He dives together with the group as a backup. Divers can develop their skills by continuing their education with our instructor. 
Due to the individual requirements and skills of technical divers, a single diver without a partner or group bears the total cost of organising the dive.
We also offer boat and/or car hire for group use without mixing with other groups and divers.