Dive log

A dive logbook is a record of dives, where divers write important information about each dive, such as the name of the site, what they have seen or the name of their buddy. But above all, important information is stored, such as the weight they used, air consumption, sea conditions or the type of dive. These logs are of great help for future dives.

The first record in the dive log is usually done during the Open Water course. These records are verified and signed by the instructor with his PADI identification, especially since they count as the number of minimum dives to pass the course. When the course ends, it will be your "dive buddy" or dive partner who will sign your registration. This verification is done by means of a signature.

The diving log shows your experience in the practice of this sport. This way, your guide or buddy will know how often you dive and the type of dives you have done. It also shows how many dives you have made, since to apply for certain courses a minimum number of dives must have been made. Hence the importance of always registering them.

The guide can ask you for your dive log when it is necessary to have enough experience to participate in a dive with a certain difficulty, capable of facing strong currents, for example, because if your card says what certification you have, the dive log it is the test of whether you are an experienced diver or not.

Surely there are places where you would like to return and there are dives that you will repeat. On this occasion, your diary will be of great help to remember what your previous experience was: the weather conditions, the size of the tank you had or if something went wrong you can rectify it so as not to make the same mistake.

On the other hand, it will also help you remember the good times, like this funny dive buddy, this wonderful guide or the name of this cool dive site you did on this tropical island 3 years ago….

What data is essential to record in my diary?

* The number of the dive.

* The date and time.

* The place/name of the dive

* The duration.

* Depth and profile.

* Water temperature.

* Ballast and thickness of the suit.

* Bottle capacity, air mixture used and consumption.

* The name of the guide is usually included with his identification number.

But apart from this, you can add any detail that seems important to you or that you want to remember such as: cultural aspects or specific elements of the country, type of equipment rented, map of the dive, visibility, strength of the currents, technical details of the dive, sighting, etc

Are digital logbook or classic paper logbook better?

In the past, diaries were used with sheets to be filled in, it was always taken on a trip, but if you were unlucky enough to forget it at home, you had to ask the instructor for a photocopy to later include it as a loose leaf in your diary. For this reason, more and more people are opting for digital dive logs because it is simply an app on their mobile where you can share your data with other divers.

You no longer have to chase your dive buddy or instructor to get your log signed because it's shared digitally and you're good to go.

With most of these apps, you can sync your dive computer and keep your logs up to date without because it is done automatically and see statistics of the sea conditions of your dives and you can also add photos and videos (example PADI App, ScubaEarth, Deepblue .)