The Rays / Los Chuchos

The dive site is near Las Galletas. It is one of the most popular dive place of the south. Just a few hundred meters from the entrance to the bay there is a small wreck, where there are a lot of curious rays that are always happy to interact with divers. There are also moray eels, octopus, cuttlefish, madrigals, angel sharks, eels and sometimes even turtles.

*Diving depth: 18-22 meters.
*This is a suitable dive site for both beginners and experienced divers.

The Rays / Los Chuchos
Punta Rasca

Diving in canyons and tunnels, we will enjoy seeing different species of crabs, cleaner shrimp and lobsters. Moving away from the wall, the bottom becomes sandy and we can see bishop rays. There is usually no current, and we can enjoy tube-shaped basalt rock formations.

*Diving depth: up to 20m
*This is a suitable dive site for both beginners and experienced divers.

Punta Rasca map
The Dream

The corals grow on a volcanic plateau, mainly around 50 m. This site offers an incredible view through an arch surrounded by black corals and hundreds of barracudas.

*Diving depth: 30 to 90 m.
*This is a suitable dive site for experienced divers and technical divers.

The Dream
The Lighthouse

At the dive site we will find exceptional underwater marine life and unique basalt rock formations and also contains a large number of underwater tunnels, black coral, barracuda, trumpet fish, lobsters and more. The anchor is placed at a shallow depth of about 5 meters and a few meters away, we will reach an edge that drops almost plummeting to 18 meters. These walls are natural formations of basalt stone that appear to be man-made. Here we can see barracudas, trumpet fish, octopus or the occasional angel shark.

*Diving depth: 16 to 40 meters.
*This is a suitable dive site for medium and experienced divers.

The Lighthouse
The Snorers of Palmar

Roncadores del Palmar, is located about 14 minutes from the port. We will observe very beautiful rocky landscapes in this dive, when descending we will find a huge school of grunts at a depth of about 15 meters, which, accustomed to divers, usually surround divers. In the walls and cracks there are moray eels, shrimps, trumpet fish, anemones, tapaculos. Being close to the Palmar fish farms, it is relatively easy to find angel sharks and rays on the sandy bottom and sometimes even dolphins.

*Dive depth at 20m
*This is a suitable dive site for both beginners and experienced divers.

The Snorers of Palmar map
The Snorers of Palmar
El Bufadero or The Wall of Palm Mar

A few minutes from Los Cristianos, this dive is simple but fun, with three levels of depth: a platform at 5m from which to see trumpet fish, roosters, cuttlefish, octopus and green turtles, at 15m rocks serve as a refuge for shrimp, anemones and Norway lobsters, and 25 m sandbanks full of garden eels. Among them we find mantelins, grunts and even curious turtles.One of the best dives in the south!

*Diving depth: up to 25m
*This is a suitable dive site for both beginners and experienced divers.

El Bufadero or The Wall of Palm Mar